Executive Committee

Gaetano Antinolfi, Washington University in St. Louis

Yves Balasko, University of York, UK
Christiane Baumeister, University of Notre Dame, USA
Ernst Berndt, MIT Sloan , USA
W. Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ester Faia, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Guohua Feng, University of North Texas, USA
Dennis Fixler, Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA
Kevin Fox, University of New South Wales, Australia
Lawrence Goodman, Center for Financial Stability, USA
Fumio Hayashi, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
Kaye Husbands Fealing, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Kenneth Judd, Stanford University, USA
Subal Kumbhakar, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA
Julia Lane, New York University, USA
Jacques Mairesse, CREST – ENSAE, France
Danny Quah, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Paul Schreyer, OECD, France
Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary, Canada
Karl Shell, Cornell University, USA
Stephen Spear, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marcel Timmer, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Sevin Yeltekin, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Members at Large:
Jim Heckman, U. of Chicago and University College, Dublin

Member by Appointment of the Center for Financial Stability:
Lawrence Goodman, President, Center for Financial Stability, NY City   

Founder and Past-President:
William A. Barnett, U. of Kansas, Lawrence and Center for Financial Stability, NY City

Co-Founder and Past Secretary-Treasurer:
Stephen Spear, Carnegie Mellon University.

Victor Valcarcel, University of Texas at Dallas

SEM Past-Presidents

Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary, Canada: 2019-2023

William A. Barnett, U. of Kansas, Lawrence and Center for Financial Stability, NY City:  2013-2018


Advisory Council Members:
Bert Balk, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands
Marcelle Chauvet, U. of California Riverside
Bernard Cornet, University of Paris 1, Sorbonne, and U. of Kansas
Robert Feenstra, U. of California at Davis
Kevin Fox, U. of New South Wales, Australia
Steve Hanke, Johns Hopkins U.
Jonathan Haskel,  Imperial College, London, U.K.
Robert Hill, U. of Graz, Austria
Charles Hulten, U. of Maryland
Robert Inklaar, U. of Groningen, Netherlands
Peter Ireland, Boston College
Fredj Jawadi, U. of Lille, France
Koji Nomura, Keio U., Tokyo, Japan
Lee Ohanian, UCLA
Philippe de Peretti, University of Paris 1, Sorbonne, France
Prasada Rao, University of Queensland, Australia
Shyam Sunder, Yale University
Stephen Turnovsky, U. of Washington
Myrna Wooders, Vanderbilt University
Nicholas Yannelis, U. of Iowa

Council Members by Appointment of Associated Journals and Monograph Series:

Conchita d’Ambrosio, Université du Luxembourg
     by appointment of Review of Income and Wealth
Hans Amman, Utrecht University, Netherlands
     by appointment of Computational Economics and Advances in Computational Economics
William A. Barnett, U. of Kansas and Center for Financial Stability
     by appointment of International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics
Marisa Faggini, University of Salerno, Italy
     by appointment of New Economic Windows
Thomas Fomby, Southern Methodist University
     by appointment of Advances in Econometrics
William Greene, New York University
     by appointment of the Journal of Productivity Analysis and FnT Econometrics
Ingegerd Jansson, Statistics Sweden, Stockholm
     by appointment of Journal of Official Statistics
Esfandiar Maasoumi, Emory U.
     by appointment of Econometric Reviews
Charles Renfro, C. G Renfro & Assoc.
     by appointment of Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Stephen Spear, Carnegie Mellon U.
     by appointment of Macroeconomic Dynamics
George Tavlas, Bank of Greece
     by appointment of Open Economies Reviews

Fellowship Committee:

Yves Balasko, University of York, UK
William A. Barnett, U. of Kansas; Center for Financial Stability, NY City; IC2 Institute, U. of Texas at Austin
Ernst Berndt, MIT
Francis Diebold, U. of Pennsylvania
Erwin Diewert, U of British Columbia, Canada
Steven Durlauf, U. of Wisconsin
Ester Faia, Goethe University, Germany
Robert Feenstra, UC Davis
Dennis Fixler, BEA
Barbara Fraumeni, U. of Southern Maine; Central U. of Finance and Economics, Beijing
Lawrence Goodman, President, Center for Financial Stability, NY City  
Fumio Hayashi, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo
Jim Heckman, U. of Chicago and University College, Dublin
Peter Ireland, Boston College
Dale Jorgenson, Harvard
Ken Judd, Stanford (Hoover)
Julia Lane, New York University
Jacques Mairesse, INP Paris, CREST ENSAE, Maastricht University UNU-MERIT, NBER
Esfandiar Maasoumi, Emory U.
Rosa Matzkin, UCLA.
J. Peter Neary, Oxford U., U.K.
Danny Quah, National University of Singapore
Paul Schreyer, Deputy Director, OECD Statistics Directorate, Paris
Apostolos Serletis, U. of Calgary, Canada
Karl Shell, Cornell U.
Stephen Spear, Carnegie Mellon U.
Marcel Timmer, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Stephen Turnovsky, U. of Washington
Kenneth West, U. of Wisconsin