Summary of All Sessions
Click here for an index of all participants
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3Plenary I, Presidential Address: “On the Many Kinds of Money,” presented by Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary, Canada1
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7A1: Long-Term Economic Growth3
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8A2: Measuring Global Financial Stability: Statistical Methods and Empirical Studies4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3A3: The State of the Art in Measurement under Risk4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9A4: Time-Frequency Dynamics of Economic and Financial Data using Time-varying Parameter VAR Models4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10A5: Essays in Financial and Macroeconomic Dynamics4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11A6: Household Asset Allocation, Income and Monetary Policy4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12A7: Transition Economies4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3Plenary II: “The Welfare Cost of Risk and Inequality,” presented by Kjetil Storesletten, University of Oslo, Norway1
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7B1: Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Disclosure Limitation in Micro Data Releases4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8B2: Topics in Macro/General Equilibrium4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9B3: The Wealth Distribution and Its Measurement4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10B4: Divisia Monetary Aggregates in Empirics and Pedagogy4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3B5: Measuring the Contributions of New Products and Services4
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11B6: Topics on Chinese Economy2
August 16, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12B7: Credit, Banking, Oil & Cycles4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3Plenary III: “Measuring Resource Shares and Poverty at the Individual Level,” presented by Arthur Lewbel, Boston College, USA1
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3C1: Behavioral Measurement 1: Foundations4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7C2: Measurement in the Real Estate Market4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8C3: Money and the Macroeconomy4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9C4: Return Predictability3
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10C5: Applications and Policy in Macroeconomics4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11C6: Energy Markets in Transition4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12C7: Recent Topics in Economic Measurement3
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3Plenary IV: “Exploring the Panel Data Dynamics of Consumption and Income,” presented by Richard Blundell, University College London, UK1
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7D1: New Developments in Panel Data Econometrics4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8D2: Topics in Climate Finance3
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3D3: Industries with Hard to Measure Productivity4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9D4: Household Heterogeneity in Microeconomics4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10D5: Monetary Policies after the Great Recession4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11D6: Quantitative Finance4
August 17, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12D7: Money and Macroeconomics4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3Plenary V: “Quality Adjustment and Hedonics: A Unified Approach,” presented by Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada1
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7E1: Behavioral Measurement 3: Time Discounting4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8E2: Trade, Prices and Structural Changes4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9E3: Measuring Economy and Finance as the Digital Age Changes its Technical Substance and Our Demands4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10E4: Oil Prices and the Macroeconomy4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11E5: Monetary Policy: Instrumentation and Identification4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12E6: Productivity and Technology4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3Plenary VI: “Bayesian Inference for Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified by Markov-Switching Heteroskedasticity,” presented by Helmut Lutkepohl, Free University of Berlin, Germany1
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7F1: Credit Cycles, Financial Intermediation, and Spillovers to the Real Sector3
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8F2: Economics of Regulated Health Care Markets4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9F3: Hard-to-Measure Economics: Illegal Activity, Data-Flows, iPhone Depreciation, Tertiary Education?4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10F4: Contemporary Studies in Economic Measurement4
August 18, 2019
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11F5: Behavioral Measurement 2: Beliefs4
45 sessions, 155 papers, and 0 presentations with no associated papers
SEM 2019 – Sixth Annual Conference
Detailed List of Sessions
Session: Plenary I, Presidential Address: “On the Many Kinds of Money,” presented by Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary, Canada
August 16, 2019 9:00 to 10:00
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: William Barnett, University of Kansas and Center for Financial Stability
On the Many Kinds of Money
By Apostolos Serletis; University of Calgary
   presented by: Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary
Session: A1: Long-Term Economic Growth
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7
Session Chair: Chander Kant, Seton Hall University, Kant Research
The Road to Banking the Unbanked: Financial Inclusion and Financial Exclusion
By Priyanka Menon; Institute for Financial Management and Research
   presented by: Priyanka Menon, Institute for Financial Management and Research
Reliable Real-time Output Gap Estimates Based on a Modified Hamilton Filter
By Josefine Quast; Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
Maik Wolters; University of Jena
   presented by: Josefine Quast, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
Privatization and Growth: Natural Experiments with European Economies in Transition
By Chander Kant; Seton Hall University, Kant Research
   presented by: Chander Kant, Seton Hall University, Kant Research
Session: A2: Measuring Global Financial Stability: Statistical Methods and Empirical Studies
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8
Session Chair: Nan Zhang, Hiroshima Shudo University
Development of U.S.-East Asia Financial Input-Output Table
By Jiyoung Kim; Okayama university
Satoru Hagino; Fukuyama University, Japan
   presented by: Satoru Hagino, Fukuyama University, Japan
Corporate Finance Volatility and the Economic Prosperity Status: The Interaction of Micro-economy and Macro-economy
By Chun Li; Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
   presented by: Chun Li, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
The Measurement of Fintech Development in China and Its Social Impact
By Xun Zhang; Beijing Normal University
   presented by: Xun Zhang, Beijing Normal University
Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Focus on International Financial Investment between G20
By Nan Zhang; Hiroshima Shudo University
   presented by: Nan Zhang, Hiroshima Shudo University
Session: A3: The State of the Art in Measurement under Risk
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: William Barnett, University of Kansas and Center for Financial Stability
Time-Varying Capital Intensities and the Hump-Shaped Evolution of Economic Activity in Manufacturing
By Luis Felipe Saenz; University of South Carolina
   presented by: Luis Felipe Saenz, University of South Carolina
What to Expect from the Lower Bound on Interest Rates: Evidence from Derivatives Prices
By Thomas Mertens; Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
   presented by: Thomas Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Assessing U.S. Aggregate Fluctuations Across Time and Frequencies
By Thomas Lubik; Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Christian Matthes; Federal reserve bank of Richmond
Fabio Verona; Bank of Finland
   presented by: Thomas Lubik, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Monetary Services Aggregation Theory under Choquet Expectation
By William Barnett; University of Kansas and Center for Financial Stability
Qing Han; The University of Kansas
Jianbo Zhang; University of Kansas
   presented by: Qing Han, The University of Kansas
Session: A4: Time-Frequency Dynamics of Economic and Financial Data using Time-varying Parameter VAR Models
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9
Session Chair: Michael Ellington, University of Liverpool
The Case for Divisia Monetary Statistics: A Bayesian Time-Varying Approach
By Michael Ellington; University of Liverpool
   presented by: Michael Ellington, University of Liverpool
Time-frequency Response Analysis of Monetary Policy Transmission
By Lubos Hanus; Charles University
   presented by: Lubos Hanus, Charles University
Asset Pricing using Time-Frequency Dependent Network Centrality
By Jozef Barunik; Institute of Economic Studies, Charles Uuniversity
Michael Ellington; University of Liverpool
   presented by: Jozef Barunik, Institute of Economic Studies, Charles Uuniversity
Bayesian Nonparametric Methods for Analysing Macroeconomic Time Series
By Maria Kalli; University of Kent
   presented by: Maria Kalli, University of Kent
Session: A5: Essays in Financial and Macroeconomic Dynamics
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10
Session Chair: Fredj Jawadi, University of Lille
Liquidity Trap in Theory and History
By Antoine Parent; IEP Lyon
   presented by: Antoine Parent, IEP Lyon
Markets Microstructure, Assets Networks and Financial Stability
By Cécile Bastidon; Laboratoire d’économie Appliquée au D
Fredj Jawadi; University of Lille
   presented by: Cécile Bastidon, Laboratoire d’économie Appliquée au D
Bifurcation and History
By Francesco Magris; University of Tours
Antoine Parent; IEP Lyon
   presented by: Antoine Parent, IEP Lyon
Credit Risk and Delayed Monetary Policy Effectiveness — A Finite Horizon Multi-phase Model
By Marco Gross; International Monetary Fund
Willi Semmler; New School NY, University of Bielefeld
Helmut Maurer; Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
   presented by: Willi Semmler, New School NY, University of Bielefeld
Session: A6: Household Asset Allocation, Income and Monetary Policy
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11
Session Chair: Evangelos Charalambakis, Bank of Greece
Distributional Imbalances, Monetary Policy, and the U.S. Business Cycle
By Nikolaos Charalampidis; University of California, Irvine
   presented by: Nikolaos Charalampidis, University of California, Irvine
Assets, Culture and La Dolce Villa: Homeownership of Expats and Immigrants
By Johannes Fleck; European University Institute
Adrian Monninger; European Central Bank
   presented by: Adrian Monninger, European Central Bank
Labour Income Uncertainty During a Crisis
By Julia Le Blanc; Deutsche Bundesbank
Reamonn Lydon; Central Bank of Ireland
   presented by: Julia Le Blanc, Deutsche Bundesbank
Machine Learning Missing Household Wealth
By Johannes Fleck; European University Institute
   presented by: Johannes Fleck, European University Institute
Session: A7: Transition Economies
August 16, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12
Session Chair: Makram El-Shagi, Henan University
Impact of Euro Adoption on International Trade within the Heterogeneous Euro Area
By Svatopluk Kapounek; Vilnius University
Martin Šuster; National Bank of Slovakia
   presented by: Svatopluk Kapounek, Vilnius University
Convergence of Government Bond Yields in the EU: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
By Kiril Tochkov; Texas Christian University
Nikolay Nenovsky; University of Picardie Jules Verne
   presented by: Kiril Tochkov, Texas Christian University
The Impact of the ECB on the CEEC: A Divisia Based Approach
By Makram El-Shagi; Henan University
   presented by: Makram El-Shagi, Henan University
Participation in and Contribution to Voluntary Pension Saving in a Three-pillar System
By Karsten Staehr; Tallinn University of Technology
Magnus Piirits
   presented by: Karsten Staehr, Tallinn University of Technology
Session: Plenary II: “The Welfare Cost of Risk and Inequality,” presented by Kjetil Storesletten, University of Oslo, Norway
August 16, 2019 14:00 to 15:00
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Ester Faia, Goethe University Frankfurt
The Welfare Cost of Risk and Inequality
By Kjetil Storesletten; University of Oslo
   presented by: Kjetil Storesletten, University of Oslo
Session: B1: Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Disclosure Limitation in Micro Data Releases
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7
Session Chair: Arthur Kennickell, Federal Reserve Board
Will Differential Privacy Transform Social Science?
By Frauke Kreuter; University of Maryland
   presented by: Frauke Kreuter, University of Maryland
Topics in Differential Privacy
By Daniel Kifer; Penn State University
   presented by: Daniel Kifer, Penn State University
Making Data Great Again
By Julia Lane; New York University
   presented by: Julia Lane, New York University
Differential Privacy: Boon or Bane for Users of Official Statistics?
By Barry Johnson; IRS
   presented by: Barry Johnson, IRS
Session: B2: Topics in Macro/General Equilibrium
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8
Session Chair: Fredj Jawadi, University of Lille
Sparse Restricted Perception Equilibrium
By Volha Audzei; Czech National Bank, and CERGE-EI
Sergey Slobodyan; Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg
   presented by: Sergey Slobodyan, Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg
Non-Value-Added Tax as a Financial Transaction Tax to Improve Market Fairness
By Iryna Veryzhenko; LABEX REFI, CNAM
Arthur Jonath; Profit and Entropy
   presented by: Iryna Veryzhenko, LABEX REFI, CNAM
Discussion on the Measurement and Evolution of National Value Chain under the New Framework of Trade Value-added Decomposition
By Dan Ma; Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
   presented by: Dan Ma, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Money Aggregates and Determinacy: A Reinterpretation of Monetary Policy during the Great Inflation of the 1970s
By Irfan Qureshi; Asian Development Bank (ADB)
   presented by: Irfan Qureshi, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Session: B3: The Wealth Distribution and Its Measurement
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9
Session Chair: Alice Henriques, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Housing Bubbles, Wealth Inequality and Capital Income Taxation
By Clara Martinez-Toledano; Paris School of Economics
   presented by: Clara Martinez-Toledano, Paris School of Economics
Inequality and Relative Saving Rates at the Top
By Philipp Lieberknecht; Deutsche Bundesbank
Philip Vermeulen; European Central Bank
   presented by: Philipp Lieberknecht, Deutsche Bundesbank
Are Medical Care Prices Still Declining? A Systematic Examination of Quality-Adjusted Price Index Alternatives for Medical Care
By Abe Dunn; Bureau of Economic Analysis
   presented by: Abe Dunn, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Distributional Financial Accounts of the United States
By Alice Henriques; Federal Reserve Board of Governors
   presented by: Alice Henriques, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Session: B4: Divisia Monetary Aggregates in Empirics and Pedagogy
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10
Session Chair: Ryan Mattson, West Texas A&M University
The Predicting Power of User-cost Spread for Economic Recession
By Biyan Tang; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Ryan Mattson; West Texas A&M University
Dongfeng Chang; Shandong University
   presented by: Biyan Tang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
   Discussant:   Soumya Bhadury, Reserve Bank of India
Divisia Monetary Aggregates for a Heterogeneous Euro Area
By Dieter Nautz; Free University Berlin
   presented by: Dieter Nautz, Free University Berlin
   Discussant:   Ryan Mattson, West Texas A&M University
Using Divisia Monetary Aggregates to Teach Econometrics
By Ryan Mattson; West Texas A&M University
   presented by: Ryan Mattson, West Texas A&M University
   Discussant:   Biyan Tang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
A New Approach to Nowcast Indian Gross Value Added
By Soumya Bhadury; Reserve Bank of India
   presented by: Soumya Bhadury, Reserve Bank of India
   Discussant:   Dieter Nautz, Free University Berlin
     1 Soumya Bhadury, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi, India
     2 Dieter Nautz, Free University Berlin
     3 Biyan Tang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
     4 Ryan Mattson, West Texas A&M University
Session: B5: Measuring the Contributions of New Products and Services
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Kevin Fox, University of New South Wales Sydney
Estimating the Benefits and Costs of New and Disappearing Products
By Erwin Diewert; University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
   presented by: Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
Productivity Growth, Firm Turnover and New Varieties
By Arvid Raknerud; Statistics Norway
Diana-Cristina Iancu; Statistics Norway
Thomas von Brasch; Statistics Norway
   presented by: Arvid Raknerud, Statistics Norway
Cloud Computing and National Accounting
By David Nguyen; NIESR
Diane Coyle; University of Cambridge
   presented by: Diane Coyle, University of Cambridge
Experimental Economics and the New Goods Problem
By Erwin Diewert; University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
Kevin Fox; University of New South Wales Sydney
Paul Schreyer; OECD
   presented by: Kevin Fox, University of New South Wales Sydney
Session: B6: Topics on Chinese Economy
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11
Session Chair: Yang Li, Shanghai International Studies University
Household Electricity Demand, Pollution Emission and Public Health Under Increasing Block Tariffs and Time-of-Use Pricing Policies
By Ling-Yun He; Jinan University
   presented by: Ling-Yun He, Jinan University
Structural Holes and Hedge Fund Return Comovement: Evidence from Network-connected Hedge Funds in China
By Lu Li; Shanghai International Studies University
Yang Li; Shanghai International Studies University
Xueding Wang; Shanghai International Studies University
Tusheng Xiao; Central University of Finance and Economics
   presented by: Yang Li, Shanghai International Studies University
Session: B7: Credit, Banking, Oil & Cycles
August 16, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12
Session Chair: Anastasios Malliaris, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago
Components of Credit Rationing
By Abol Jalilvand; Loyola University Chicago
Fathali Firoozi; University of Texas at San Antonio
Mehdi Beyhaghi; Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
   presented by: Abol Jalilvand, Loyola University Chicago
Network Analysis of Contagion in the European Interbank Market
By Angelos Vouldis; European Central Bank
Christina Mikropoulou; University of Macedonia
   presented by: Angelos Vouldis, European Central Bank
New Evidence on the Synchronization Between the U.S. Business and Financial Cycles
By Christina Mikropoulou; University of Macedonia
Maddalena Cavicchioli; University of Verona
Catherine Kyrtsou; University of Macedonia
   presented by: Christina Mikropoulou, University of Macedonia
The U.S. High Yield Spread and the Global Price of Oil: 2003-2018
By Anastasios Malliaris; Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago
Mary Malliaris; Loyola University Chicago
   presented by: Anastasios Malliaris, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago
Session: Plenary III: “Measuring Resource Shares and Poverty at the Individual Level,” presented by Arthur Lewbel, Boston College, USA
August 17, 2019 9:00 to 10:00
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary
Measuring Resource Shares and Poverty at the Individual Level
By Arthur Lewbel; Boston College
   presented by: Arthur Lewbel, Boston College
Session: C1: Behavioral Measurement 1: Foundations
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Michael Kosfeld, Goethe University Frankfurt
Time Will Tell: Recovering Preferences When Choices Are Noisy
By Carlos Alos-Ferrer; University of Zurich
Ernst Fehr; Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich
Nick Netzer; University of Zurich
   presented by: Carlos Alos-Ferrer, University of Zurich
Skewness Preference: A Definition
By Sebastian Ebert; Frankfurt School of Finance and Manageme
   presented by: Sebastian Ebert, Frankfurt School of Finance and Manageme
Using Response Times to Infer Preferences and Beliefs
By Ian Krajbich; Ohio State University
   presented by: Ian Krajbich, Ohio State University
Limited Self-Knowledge and Measurement Error in Surveys
By Thomas Neuber; University of Bonn
   presented by: Thomas Neuber, University of Bonn
Session: C2: Measurement in the Real Estate Market
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7
Session Chair: Robert Hill, University of Graz
How Big Is the Airbnb Rent-Premium? The Case of Sydney
By Robert Hill; University of Graz
Norbert Pfeifer; University of Graz
Miriam Steurer; University of Graz
   presented by: Miriam Steurer, University of Graz
Decompositions of Price Distributions by Location: The Rise and Fall of Tokyo Prices
By Daniel McMillen; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chihiro Shimizu; University of Tokyo
   presented by: Daniel McMillen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Housing Rent in CPI: Unit-level Long-run Dynamics of Housing Rents
By Masatomo Suzuki; The University of Tokyo
Chihiro Shimizu; University of Tokyo
   presented by: Chihiro Shimizu, University of Tokyo
The Effect of Local Regulation on Residential Housing Prices: The Case of Melbourne
By Jason Lejcak; The University of Queensland
Alicia Rambaldi; The University of Queensland
Madeleine Tan; Victoria Government
   presented by: Alicia Rambaldi, The University of Queensland
Session: C3: Money and the Macroeconomy
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8
Session Chair: Libo Xu, University of San Francisco
On the Markov Switching Welfare Cost of Inflation
By Apostolos Serletis; University of Calgary
Wei Dai; University of Calgary
   presented by: Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary
Supply of Private Safe Assets: Interplay of Shadow and Traditional Banks
By Borghan Narajabad; Federal Reserve Board
Stefan Gissler; Federal Reserve Board
   presented by: Borghan Narajabad, Federal Reserve Board
Volatility in the Cryptocurrency Market
By Jinan Liu; University of Calgary
   presented by: Jinan Liu, University of Calgary
Consumption, Leisure, and Money
By Apostolos Serletis; University of Calgary
Libo Xu; University of San Francisco
   presented by: Libo Xu, University of San Francisco
Session: C4: Return Predictability
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9
Session Chair: Xiao Qiao, Paraconic Technologies US Inc.
A Consumption-Based Approach to Exchange Rate Predictability
By Jair Ojeda-Joya; Banco de la Republica
   presented by: Jair Ojeda-Joya, Banco de la Republica
Robust Investor Sentiment Indices
By Liya Chu; East China University of Science and Technology
   presented by: Liya Chu, East China University of Science and Technology
Stock market implications of financial demand for outside money supply
By Asif Muhammad Ruman; University of Oulu
   presented by: Asif Muhammad Ruman, University of Oulu
Session: C5: Applications and Policy in Macroeconomics
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10
Session Chair: Ryan Mattson, West Texas A&M University
ICT Capital-Skill Complementarity and Wage Inequality: Evidence from OECD Countries
By Ken Yamada; Kyoto University
   presented by: Ken Yamada, Kyoto University
The Effects of Macroeconomic, Fiscal and Monetary Policy Announcements on Sovereign Bond Spreads: An Event Study from the EMU
By António Afonso; ISEG-ULisboa
   presented by: António Afonso, ISEG-ULisboa
Optimal Forward Guidance in Monetary Policy: Can Central Banks Sway the Public with Projections?
By Christian Jensen; University of South Carolina
   presented by: Christian Jensen, University of South Carolina
Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability: Bank-Level Evidence from China
By Jan Klingelhöfer; Henan University
Rongrong Sun; Henan University
   presented by: Jan Klingelhöfer, Henan University
Session: C6: Energy Markets in Transition
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11
Session Chair: Evangelos Kyritsis, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Nuclear Power, Democracy, and Development: Determinants for Successfully Introducing Nuclear Power
By Anne Neumann; Universität Potsdam
   presented by: Anne Neumann, Universität Potsdam
The Effect of Variable Renewable Energy on Electricity Price Volatility
By Iulia Falcan; United Nations University – MERIT
   presented by: Iulia Falcan, United Nations University – MERIT
Technical Trading on the US Natural Gas Futures Market: The Dry Wood Waiting the Spark ?
By Etienne Borocco; UPD · Dauphine Economics Research Center
   presented by: Etienne Borocco, UPD · Dauphine Economics Research Center
Natural Gas Market Globalization Revisited
By Evangelos Kyritsis; VATT Institute for Economic Research
   presented by: Evangelos Kyritsis, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Session: C7: Recent Topics in Economic Measurement
August 17, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12
Session Chair: Fredj Jawadi, University of Lille
Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies
By Eiji Okano; Nagoya City University
Masataka Eguchi; Keio University
   presented by: Eiji Okano, Nagoya City University
Interactive Effects Between Input and Output Technical Inefficiencies
By Muna Esheba; University of Calgary
Apostolos Serletis; University of Calgary
   presented by: Muna Esheba, University of Calgary
A Multivariate Nonlinear Analysis of Quarterly China’s GDP and World Oil Price and Its Implications
By Fredj Jawadi; University of Lille
Ruey Tsay; University of Chicago
   presented by: Fredj Jawadi, University of Lille
Session: Plenary IV: “Exploring the Panel Data Dynamics of Consumption and Income,” presented by Richard Blundell, University College London, UK
August 17, 2019 14:00 to 15:00
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
Exploring the Panel Data Dynamics of Consumption and Income
By Richard Blundell; University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies
   presented by: Richard Blundell, University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies
Session: D1: New Developments in Panel Data Econometrics
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7
Session Chair: Guohua Feng, University of North Texas
Semiparametric Smooth Coefficient Stochastic Frontier Model: A Sieve Approach
By Kai Du; The University of Adelaide
Chuan Wang; Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
   presented by: Chuan Wang, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Nonparametric Homogeneity Pursuit in Functional-Coefficient Models
By Degui Li; University of York
   presented by: Degui Li, University of York
An Integrated Panel Data Approach to Modelling Economic Growth
By Guohua Feng; University of North Texas
   presented by: Guohua Feng, University of North Texas
Reputation in Patient Hospital Selection: Empirical Evidence from Australia
By Xiaohui Zhang; University of Exeter
   presented by: Xiaohui Zhang, University of Exeter
Session: D2: Topics in Climate Finance
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8
Session Chair: Ibrahim Tahri, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Climate Disaster Risks & Monetary and Financial Policies
By Willi Semmler; New School NY, University of Bielefeld
   presented by: Willi Semmler, New School NY, University of Bielefeld
Financing Fair Redistribution of Climate Change Burden – Insights from Augmented DICE Model
By Sergey Orlov; IIASA
Elena Rovenskaya; IIASA
Willi Semmler; New School NY, University of Bielefeld
   presented by: Sergey Orlov, IIASA
Equity Bias in the Energy Sector
By Ibrahim Tahri; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
   presented by: Ibrahim Tahri, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Session: D3: Industries with Hard to Measure Productivity
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Dennis Fixler, US Bureau of Economic Analysis
Productivity Measurement, R&D Assets and Mark-ups in OECD countries
By Paul Schreyer; OECD
   presented by: Paul Schreyer, OECD
Industry and State Level Value Added and Productivity Decompositions
By Shipei Zeng; UNSW Sydney
Stephanie Parsons; Reserve Bank of Australia
Erwin Diewert; University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
Kevin Fox; University of New South Wales Sydney
   presented by: Shipei Zeng, UNSW Sydney
Understanding the Digital Economy in Retailing & Its Implications for All Service Sectors
By Roger Betancourt; University of Maryland
   presented by: Roger Betancourt, University of Maryland
Financial Firm Productivity
By Dennis Fixler; US Bureau of Economic Analysis
   presented by: Dennis Fixler, US Bureau of Economic Analysis
Session: D4: Household Heterogeneity in Microeconomics
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9
Session Chair: Evangelos Charalambakis, Bank of Greece
Risky Assets in Europe and the US: Risk Vulnerability, Risk Aversion and Economic Environment
By Peter Lindner; Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Pirmin Fessler; Oesterreichische Nationalbank
   presented by: Peter Lindner, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
The Joint Distribution of Income, Wealth and Consumption in Germany
By Tobias Schmidt; Deutsche Bundesbank
Julia Le Blanc; Deutsche Bundesbank
   presented by: Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Market Participation
By Eniko Gábor-Tóth; Deutsche Bundesbank
Dimitris Georgarakos; ECB
   presented by: Eniko Gábor-Tóth, Deutsche Bundesbank
MPC Heterogeneity in Europe-Sources and Implications
By Miguel Ampudia; European Central Bank
Russell Cooper; European University Institute
Julia Le Blanc; Deutsche Bundesbank
Guozhong Zhu; University of Alberta
   presented by: Miguel Ampudia, European Central Bank
Session: D5: Monetary Policies after the Great Recession
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10
Session Chair: Hylton Hollander, Stellenbosch University
Monetary Regimes, Money Supply and the US Business Cycle since 1959: Implications for Monetary Policy Today
By Hylton Hollander; Stellenbosch University
Lars Christensen; Stellenbosch University
   presented by: Hylton Hollander, Stellenbosch University
A Structural Investigation of Quantitative Easing
By Gregor Boehl; Goethe University Frankfurt
Felix Strobel; Bundesbank
   presented by: Gregor Boehl, Goethe University Frankfurt
Risk Aversion, Credit and Banking: A Nonlinear DSGE Perspective
By Caroline Bozou; LEMMA / Assas University Paris 2
Jonathan Benchimol; Bank of Israel
   presented by: Caroline Bozou, LEMMA / Assas University Paris 2
The Great Recession and the Zero Lower Bound
By Felix Strobel; Bundesbank
Gregor Boehl; Goethe University Frankfurt
   presented by: Felix Strobel, Bundesbank
Session: D6: Quantitative Finance
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11
Session Chair: Muna Esheba, University of Calgary
Opening the Black Box of Joint Household Production: Child Welfare and Parental Leisure
By Sam Cosaert; LISER Luxembourg
   presented by: Sam Cosaert, LISER Luxembourg
   Discussant:   Menggen Chen, Beijing Normal University
Measuring the Spatial Price Difference in China with RPPs Method
By Menggen Chen; Beijing Normal University
   presented by: Menggen Chen, Beijing Normal University
   Discussant:   Artur Tarassow,
Bootstrap-based Probabilistic Analysis of Spillover Scenarios in Macrofinancial Network
By Artur Tarassow
Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo; University of Melbourne
   presented by: Artur Tarassow,
   Discussant:   Rongrong Sun, Henan University
Who Is Discriminated in Chinese Household Credit Markets?
By Rongrong Sun; Henan University
   presented by: Rongrong Sun, Henan University
   Discussant:   Sam Cosaert, LISER Luxembourg
Session: D7: Money and Macroeconomics
August 17, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12
Session Chair: Jane Binner, University of Birmingham
Housing Prices, Fertility and Macroeconomic Dynamics
By Khandokar Istiak; University of South Alabama
James Swofford; University of South Alabama
   presented by: James Swofford, University of South Alabama
Exchange Rate Forecastability: Divisia, the User Cost Price, and the Euro
By Luis Molinas; University of Kansas
   presented by: Luis Molinas, University of Kansas
Macro Prudential Policy and Monetary Policy: The Need to Dance the Tango in Harmony
By Jose Garcia Revelo; University of Orleans
Yannick Lucotte; Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans & PSB Paris School of Business
Florian Pradines-Jobet; PSB Paris School of Business
   presented by: Jose Garcia Revelo, University of Orleans
Forecasting US Price Levels Using Multi-recurrent Neural Networks: A New Policy Tool?
By Jane Binner; University of Birmingham
Logan Kelly; University of Wisconsin – River Falls
Jonathan Tepper; Nottingham Trent University
   presented by: Jane Binner, University of Birmingham
Session: Plenary V: “Quality Adjustment and Hedonics: A Unified Approach,” presented by Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada
August 18, 2019 9:00 to 10:00
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Ernst Berndt, MIT Sloan School of Management
Quality Adjustment and Hedonics: A Unified Approach
By Erwin Diewert; University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
   presented by: Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia and UNSW Australia
Session: E1: Behavioral Measurement 3: Time Discounting
August 18, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7
Session Chair: Florian Hett, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Learned Impatience: Delayed Feedback and Myopic Choice
By David Poensgen; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
   presented by: David Poensgen, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Heterogeneous Agents in Intertemporal Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence
By Daniel Schunk; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
   presented by: Daniel Schunk, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice
By Louis Strang; University of Bonn
Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt; Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Holger Gerhardt; University of Bonn
Gerhard Riener; Heinrich heine University Düsseldorf
Frederik Schwerter; University of Cologne
   presented by: Holger Gerhardt, University of Bonn
Present Bias in Financial Decision Making
By Florian Hett; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
   presented by: Florian Hett, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Session: E2: Trade, Prices and Structural Changes
August 18, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8
Session Chair: Marcel Timmer, University of Groningen
Structural Changes in the Euro Area: Evidence from a New Dataset
By Eddie Gerba; Danmarks Nationalbank and London School of Economics
Jerome Henry; ECB, Frankfurt
Dawid Zochowski; ECB
   presented by: Eddie Gerba, Danmarks Nationalbank and London School of Economics
The State of Play in Price Measurement for Consumer Electronics, a Cross-Country Comparison
By David Byrne; Federal Reserve Board
   presented by: David Byrne, Federal Reserve Board
The Geography of Trade in Services: New Evidence from Credit Card Transactions
By Leland Crane; Federal Reserve Board
Aaron Flaaen; Federal Reserve Board of Governors
   presented by: Aaron Flaaen, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Development in Task Space: What You Do in Exports Matters
By Marcel Timmer; University of Groningen
Xianjia Ye; Universiteit Utrecht
   presented by: Marcel Timmer, University of Groningen
Session: E3: Measuring Economy and Finance as the Digital Age Changes its Technical Substance and Our Demands
August 18, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9
Session Chair: Francis Gross, European Central Bank
Staying in Control as Technology Transforms Our World – A Systemic View – Implications for Measurement
By Francis Gross; European Central Bank
   presented by: Francis Gross, European Central Bank
Modelling the EU Economy as an Ecosystem of Contracts
By Harald Stieber; European Commission
Luigi Telesca; Exrade srl – Trakti Ltd
   presented by: Harald Stieber, European Commission
                         Luigi Telesca, Exrade srl – Trakti Ltd
Monitoring and Stress-testing Networks of Banks Connected by Financial Contracts
By Nils Bundi; Stevens Institute of Technology
Khaldoun Khashanah; Stevens Institute of Technology
   presented by: Nils Bundi, Stevens Institute of Technology
Modelling the Economy as a Network of Contracts: An ACTUS-based Demonstrator Applied to Liquidity Risk Detection
By Wolfgang Breymann; Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Francis Gross; European Central Bank
Daniel Kucharczyk; The ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
   presented by: Wolfgang Breymann, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Session: E4: Oil Prices and the Macroeconomy
August 18, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10
Session Chair: Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary
An Analysis of the Global Oil Market Using SVARMA Models
By Mala Raghavan; University of Tasmania
   presented by: Mala Raghavan, University of Tasmania
Oil Price Shocks and the Russian Economy
By Svetlana Balashova; RUDN University
Apostolos Serletis; University of Calgary
   presented by: Svetlana Balashova, RUDN University
Do Oil Shocks Affect the Financial Stress of Oil Exporting and Importing Countries?
By Anirban Sengupta; IIM INDORE
Debasish Maitra; IIM Indore
Saumya Ranjan Dash; Indian Institute of Management Indore
   presented by: Debasish Maitra, IIM Indore
Equilibrium Specification of Technology: Implications for Energy Demand and Capacity Utilization Analysis 
By Sourour Baccar; University of Sfax
   presented by: Sourour Baccar, University of Sfax
Session: E5: Monetary Policy: Instrumentation and Identification
August 18, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11
Session Chair: Victor Valcarcel, University of Texas at Dallas
Disentangling the Information and Forward Guidance Effect of Monetary Policy Announcements
By Lars Other; Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
   presented by: Lars Other, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Testing Superneutrality when Money Growth is Endogenous: Implications for New-Keynesian Models
By John Keating; University of Kansas
Andrew Smith; Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Victor Valcarcel; University of Texas at Dallas
   presented by: John Keating, University of Kansas
The Link Between Interest Rate Volatility and the Long-Term Rate for the Identification of Monetary Policy
By Zhengyang Chen; University of Texas at Dallas
   presented by: Zhengyang Chen, University of Texas at Dallas
Yield Curve Rotations, Monetary Shocks, and Greenspan’s Conundrum
By Victor Valcarcel; University of Texas at Dallas
   presented by: Victor Valcarcel, University of Texas at Dallas
Session: E6: Productivity and Technology
August 18, 2019 10:30 to 12:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 12
Session Chair: Spyridon Sichlimiris, Örebro university
News as Slow Diffusing Technology
By Maria Bolboaca; University of St. Gallen
Sarah Fischer; University of Bern
   presented by: Maria Bolboaca, University of St. Gallen
Dispersion in Dispersion: Measuring Establishment-Level Differences in Productivity
By Cindy Cunningham; US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Lucia Foster; Bureau of the Census
Cheryl Grim; U.S. Census Bureau
John Haltiwanger; University of Maryland
Sabrina Pabilonia; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jay Stewart; Bureau of Labor Statistics
Zoltan Wolf; US Census Bureau
   presented by: Sabrina Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Measuring Productivity Growth in the Presence of Adjustment Costs, Markups and Variable Capacity Utilization
By Diego Comin; Dartmouth College
Javier Quintana Gonzalez; Bocconi University, Milan
Tom Schmitz; Bocconi University
Antonella Trigari; Università Bocconi
   presented by: Javier Quintana Gonzalez, Bocconi University, Milan
Towards Technology-News-Driven Business Cycles
By Spyridon Sichlimiris; Örebro university
Paola Di Casola; Sveriges Riksbank
   presented by: Spyridon Sichlimiris, Örebro university
Session: Plenary VI: “Bayesian Inference for Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified by Markov-Switching Heteroskedasticity,” presented by Helmut Lutkepohl, Free University of Berlin, Germany
August 18, 2019 14:00 to 15:00
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 3
Session Chair: Kevin Fox, University of New South Wales Sydney
Bayesian Inference for Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified by Markov-Switching Heteroskedasticity
By Helmut Luetkepohl; DIW Berlin and FU Berlin
   presented by: Helmut Luetkepohl, DIW Berlin and FU Berlin
Session: F1: Credit Cycles, Financial Intermediation, and Spillovers to the Real Sector
August 18, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 7
Session Chair: Asghar Shahmoradi, IMF
Sovereigns and Financial Intermediaries Spillovers
By Hamid Tabarraei; International Monetary Fund
Abdelaziz Rouabah; Central Bank of Luxembourg
Olivier Pierrard; Central Bank of Luxembourg
   presented by: Hamid Tabarraei, International Monetary Fund
Global Financial Cycles since 1880
By Maik Wolters; University of Jena
   presented by: Maik Wolters, University of Jena
An Analysis of Comoment Relations in the Currency Markets
By Renee Fry-McKibbin; Australian National University
Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo; University of Melbourne
Cody Yu-Ling Hsiao; The University of New South Wales
   presented by: Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo, University of Melbourne
Session: F2: Economics of Regulated Health Care Markets
August 18, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 8
Session Chair: Ernst Berndt, MIT Sloan School of Management
Unintended Consequences of Regulation: Strategic Line Extension Entry
By Annabelle Fowler; Harvard University
   presented by: Annabelle Fowler, Harvard University
The Changing Global Geography of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Trends and Implications
By Yashna Shivdasani; Wellesley College
Ernst Berndt; MIT Sloan School of Management
Rena Conti; Questrom School of Business, Boston University
   presented by: Yashna Shivdasani, Wellesley College
The Surprising Hybrid Pedigree of Measures of Diversity and Economic Concentration
By Paolo Adajar; MIT
Ernst Berndt; MIT Sloan School of Management
Rena Conti; Questrom School of Business, Boston University
   presented by: Paolo Adajar, MIT
Four Facts Concerning Competition in U.S. Generic Prescription Drug Markets
By Rena Conti; Questrom School of Business, Boston University
Ernst Berndt; MIT Sloan School of Management
   presented by: Rena Conti, Questrom School of Business, Boston University
Session: F3: Hard-to-Measure Economics: Illegal Activity, Data-Flows, iPhone Depreciation, Tertiary Education?
August 18, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 9
Session Chair: Rachel Soloveichik, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Depreciation of Apple iPhones: A First Look
By Brian Sliker; U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
   presented by: Brian Sliker, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Volume Output Measures and Price Indices of the U.S. Tertiary Education Services
By Takashi Yamashita; Bureau of Economic Analysis
   presented by: Takashi Yamashita, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Measuring the Economic Value of Data and Data Flows
By David Nguyen; NIESR
Marta Paczos; NIESR
   presented by: David Nguyen, NIESR
Including Illegal Activity in the U.S. National Accounts
By Rachel Soloveichik; Bureau of Economic Analysis
   presented by: Rachel Soloveichik, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Session: F4: Contemporary Studies in Economic Measurement
August 18, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 10
Session Chair: Ayben Koy, Istanbul Commerce University
Information Content of Monetary Aggregates under Inflation Targeting Regime
By Umurcan Polat; Marmara University
   presented by: Umurcan Polat, Marmara University
   Discussant:   Emine Bastan, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Decomposing Uncertainty in Turkey into its Determinants
By Emine Bastan; Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Umit Ozlale; Ozyegin University
   presented by: Emine Bastan, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
   Discussant:   Nuray Terzi, Marmara University
Assessing the Importance of Divisia Monetary Aggregates of the Center for Financial Stability (CFS)
By Nuray Terzi; Marmara University
Sadullah Celik; Marmara University
   presented by: Nuray Terzi, Marmara University
   Discussant:   Ayben Koy, Istanbul Commerce University
A Comparative Analysis on Bubbles in Energy Prices
By Ayben Koy; Istanbul Commerce University
   presented by: Ayben Koy, Istanbul Commerce University
   Discussant:   Umurcan Polat, Marmara University
Session: F5: Behavioral Measurement 2: Beliefs
August 18, 2019 15:30 to 17:30
Hörsaal Zentrum (lecture hall), HZ Room 11
Session Chair: Florian Zimmermann, University of Bonn
Measuring Beliefs and Ambiguity Attitudes About the Stock Market
By Hans-Martin von Gaudecker; Universität Bonn
   presented by: Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Universität Bonn
Do People Value More Informative News?
By Christopher Roth; Institute on Behavior and Inequality
   presented by: Christopher Roth, Institute on Behavior and Inequality
Local Gas Prices and Inflation Expectations
By Johannes Wohlfart; Goethe University Frankfurt
   presented by: Johannes Wohlfart, Goethe University Frankfurt
Memory and Belief Formation
By Florian Zimmermann; University of Bonn
   presented by: Florian Zimmermann, University of Bonn

45 sessions, 155 papers, and 0 presentations with no associated papersIndex of ParticipantsLegend: C=chair, P=Presenter, D=Discussant

#ParticipantRoles in Conference
1Adajar, PaoloP42
2Afonso, AntónioP22
3Alos-Ferrer, CarlosP18
4Ampudia, MiguelP29
5Baccar, SourourP37
6Balashova, SvetlanaP37
7Barnett, WilliamC1C4
8Barunik, JozefP5
9Bastan, EmineP44D44
10Bastidon, CécileP6
11Berndt, ErnstC33C42
12Betancourt, RogerP28
13Bhadury, SoumyaP13D13
14Bhadury, SoumyaD13
15Binner, JaneP32C32
16Blundell, RichardP25
17Boehl, GregorP30
18Bolboaca, MariaP39
19Borocco, EtienneP23
20Bozou, CarolineP30
21Breymann, WolfgangP36
22Bundi, NilsP36
23Byrne, DavidP35
24Charalambakis, EvangelosC7C29
25Charalampidis, NikolaosP7
26Chen, MenggenP31D31
27Chen, ZhengyangP38
28Chu, LiyaP21
29Conti, RenaP42
30Cosaert, SamP31D31
31Coyle, DianeP14
32Diewert, ErwinP14C25P33
33Dunn, AbeP12
34Ebert, SebastianP18
35El-Shagi, MakramP8C8
36Ellington, MichaelP5C5
37Esheba, MunaP24C31
38Faia, EsterC9
39Falcan, IuliaP23
40Feng, GuohuaP26C26
41Fixler, DennisP28C28
42Flaaen, AaronP35
43Fleck, JohannesP7
44Fowler, AnnabelleP42
45Fox, KevinP14C14C40
46Garcia Revelo, JoseP32
47Gábor-Tóth, EnikoP29
48Gerba, EddieP35
49Gerhardt, HolgerP34
50Greenwood-Nimmo, MatthewP41
51Gross, FrancisP36C36
52Hagino, SatoruP3
53Han, QingP4
54Hanus, LubosP5
55He, Ling-YunP15
56Henriques, AliceP12C12
57Hett, FlorianP34C34
58Hill, RobertC19
59Hollander, HyltonP30C30
60Jalilvand, AbolP16
61Jawadi, FredjC6C11P24C24
62Jensen, ChristianP22
63Johnson, BarryP10
64Kalli, MariaP5
65Kant, ChanderP2C2
66Kapounek, SvatoplukP8
67Keating, JohnP38
68Kennickell, ArthurC10
69Kifer, DanielP10
70Klingelhöfer, JanP22
71Kosfeld, MichaelC18
72Koy, AybenP44D44C44
73Krajbich, IanP18
74Kreuter, FraukeP10
75Kyritsis, EvangelosP23C23
76Lane, JuliaP10
77Le Blanc, JuliaP7
78Lewbel, ArthurP17
79Li, ChunP3
80Li, YangP15C15
81Li, DeguiP26
82Lieberknecht, PhilippP12
83Lindner, PeterP29
84Liu, JinanP20
85Lubik, ThomasP4
86Luetkepohl, HelmutP40
87Ma, DanP11
88Maitra, DebasishP37
89Malliaris, AnastasiosP16C16
90Martinez-Toledano, ClaraP12
91Mattson, RyanP13D13D13C13C22
92McMillen, DanielP19
93Menon, PriyankaP2
94Mertens, ThomasP4
95Mikropoulou, ChristinaP16
96Molinas, LuisP32
97Monninger, AdrianP7
98Narajabad, BorghanP20
99Nautz, DieterP13D13D13
100Neuber, ThomasP18
101Neumann, AnneP23
102Nguyen, DavidP43
103Ojeda-Joya, JairP21
104Okano, EijiP24
105Orlov, SergeyP27
106Other, LarsP38
107Pabilonia, SabrinaP39
108Parent, AntoineP6P6
109Poensgen, DavidP34
110Polat, UmurcanP44D44
111Qiao, XiaoC21
112Quast, JosefineP2
113Quintana Gonzalez, JavierP39
114Qureshi, IrfanP11
115Raghavan, MalaP37
116Raknerud, ArvidP14
117Rambaldi, AliciaP19
118Roth, ChristopherP45
119Ruman, Asif MuhammadP21
120Saenz, Luis FelipeP4
121Schmidt, TobiasP29
122Schreyer, PaulP28
123Schunk, DanielP34
124Semmler, WilliP6P27
125Serletis, ApostolosP1C17P20C37
126Shahmoradi, AsgharC41
127Shimizu, ChihiroP19
128Shivdasani, YashnaP42
129Sichlimiris, SpyridonP39C39
130Sliker, BrianP43
131Slobodyan, SergeyP11
132Soloveichik, RachelP43C43
133Staehr, KarstenP8
134Steurer, MiriamP19
135Stieber, HaraldP36
136Storesletten, KjetilP9
137Strobel, FelixP30
138Sun, RongrongP31D31
139Swofford, JamesP32
140Tabarraei, HamidP41
141Tahri, IbrahimP27C27
142Tang, BiyanP13D13D13
143Tarassow, ArturP31D31
144Telesca, LuigiP36
145Terzi, NurayP44D44
146Timmer, MarcelP35C35
147Tochkov, KirilP8
148Valcarcel, VictorP38C38
149Veryzhenko, IrynaP11
150von Gaudecker, Hans-MartinP45
151Vouldis, AngelosP16
152Wang, ChuanP26
153Wohlfart, JohannesP45
154Wolters, MaikP41
155Xu, LiboP20C20
156Yamada, KenP22
157Yamashita, TakashiP43
158Zeng, ShipeiP28
159Zhang, XiaohuiP26
160Zhang, XunP3
161Zhang, NanP3C3
162Zimmermann, FlorianP45C45

This program was last updated on 2019-12-02 10:31:42 EDT